Share Your Favorite Scarville 4th of July Memory Share your favorite 4th of July Scarville memory - our goal is 125 memories for 125 years! Share your favorite Scarville or 4th of July memory! * Please note that any memories submitted may be shared publicly. Name * First Name Last Name Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Email * Phone Number (###) ### #### Preferred way to receive communication: Email Text Phone call Please select all that apply and we'll send you more information: * Yes, I'd like to give a $125 gift and become a Scarville Legacy Supporter. Yes, I'd like to volunteer for this year's 4th of July activities. Yes, I have a group that would like to participate in the parade. Yes, I'm a business and I'd like to become a sponsor. I'd love to see the following activities at this year's parade and day of festivities: New and old ideas are all welcomed! Thank you so much for submitting a memory!